Every country has its own brand of Wheel of Fortune. Thus far I have seen Russian Wheel of Fortune called Land of Dreams and Turkish Wheel of Fortune which goes by the same name as the American version.
The most obvious deviations from the Wheel of Fortune to which I am most accustomed:
- Russian Wheel of Fortune involves children in Russian military uniforms, which might be boy scout ensembles
- There is also a tremendous amount of chanting and un-gratifying synchronized clapping in the Russian edition
- Turkish Wheel of Fortune has their Vanna White equivalent uniformed in a garish wedding gown
- While Turk Vanna White, the wedding cake topper ensembled letter turner, is not slaving away rotating portions of the alphabet she entertains the audience and home-viewers by dancing to the commercial break music, being that Turkey is a conservative country she does not remove any clothing during the dancing interludes. However, she is often accompanied in this dancing display by the show’s host.
I feel that the television game show hosts in Turkey work harder for their money than the American game show hosts, who clearly have a cushy position considering the lack of commercial break entertainment provided by the television hosts of America.
The most obvious deviations from the Wheel of Fortune to which I am most accustomed:
- Russian Wheel of Fortune involves children in Russian military uniforms, which might be boy scout ensembles
- There is also a tremendous amount of chanting and un-gratifying synchronized clapping in the Russian edition
- Turkish Wheel of Fortune has their Vanna White equivalent uniformed in a garish wedding gown
- While Turk Vanna White, the wedding cake topper ensembled letter turner, is not slaving away rotating portions of the alphabet she entertains the audience and home-viewers by dancing to the commercial break music, being that Turkey is a conservative country she does not remove any clothing during the dancing interludes. However, she is often accompanied in this dancing display by the show’s host.
I feel that the television game show hosts in Turkey work harder for their money than the American game show hosts, who clearly have a cushy position considering the lack of commercial break entertainment provided by the television hosts of America.
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