The following are strictly personal views/observations and in no way reflect the views of the Peace Corp nor the federal government of the United States.
I feel I have gotten quite skilled in the use of the Moldovan well, thus I feel I should share the wealth and give a tutorial on how to retrieve water...
Moldovan Well Tutorial:
-Open the lid on the well
-Lower bucket into the shaft of the well using the crank arm
*DO NOT throw the bucket in and let it free fall, there is the potential that the wire attached to the bucket will break and that is very tragic because many people rely on the same well
-When all the wire is uncoiled wait for a few moments while the buckets sinks, thereby filling with cool, clear, refreshing water
-You can tell when the bucket is full because the wire will become taunt
-Once the wire becomes taunt begin raising the bucket full of water using the crank arm
-The crank arm must not be moved to quickly or with a jerky motion because the bucket will hit the sides of the well and spill most of the water
-Once the bucket is brought out of the well, pour the water from the well bucket into your personal bucket to be carried into the house
-Close the lid
I have found well use to be entertaining as well as excellent excercise because water is heavy. Pulling the bucket from the well using the crank arm works the abdominals, pouring water between buckets works the back, picking up the buckets full of water excercises the legs, and carrying the water into the house works the arms.